New Whatsapp China Funny Video 2017

Published on May 2, 2017(Today) I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License Created using YouTube Video Editor Source videos View attributions

25 Apr 2017

Tuesday On Twist Of Fate Episode 328 to 329

Twist Of Fate Episode 328 to 329
Pragya is walking on the road and tell that she will not let anything happen to her Abhi. She thinks about Aaliya’s words nd thinks Purab will be framed. She thinks of Tanu’s words about the father of her child. Abhi feel that something wrong has happened. He say please Pragya come to me nd I will not let you go. Pragya meet with an accident from Arjun nd Purvi’s (of Pavitra Rishta) car. People gather around her. Arjun take her in his car to the hospital. Abhi thinks Pragya is fine nd will come to him, just as she came to music concert. Abhi looks at a tea stall nd stops his car. He gets down nd asks the tea shop owner to make tea for him. Some guys come there nd identify Abhi as Rockstar. Purvi ask Arjun to drive fast. Arjun stops his car nd asks Abhi about the address of the hospital. Abhi tell him address. He stops the car nd tells that the dupatta is out. He open the door to move the dupatta, but did not see her face. The People standing on the accident spot identifies Pragya to be Abhi’s wife. Abhi come home nd calls Dadi. Dadi is not at home. Abhi thinks where is Pragya then. Tanu ask why you are tensed? Abhi say nothing.

Purvi tell Arjun that the woman is holding mangalsutra in her hand. She blame herself for causing the accident mistakenly. Abhi goes to room, Tanu follows him. Abhi call Robin. Tanu ask what do you want? Abhi ask her to do her work. Tanu ask did Pragya tell you anything? Abhi tell her that he went to her house to give wedding card. Tanu thinks Pragya is behind his tension. He say Sarla told that she is proud of her daughter. Tanu is irked and not thankful. She say she is feeling bad for pragya. She say Pragya wants them to be together for baby, who is his. She offers to massage his head. Abhi refuses. He recall Pragya massaging his head nd a flashback is shown. Abhi teases her if she was a massager before becoming a teacher. Pragya gets angry. Abhi make her sit nd massages her head. Pragya also say the same. Abhi say he is a professional massager. Pragya say she will proof that her massage is good. They argue. Tanu is massaging his head nd thinks he is happy.
Pragya is rushed to hospital by Purvi nd Arjun. Tanu thinks very soon she will take Pragya’s place in his life. Mitali comes nd informs him that his fan came home. He told that Pragya met with an accident. Abhi rushe downstairs nd ask the fan. The fan tell him about Pragya’s accident. Tanu wishes for Pragya’s death.
Doctor informs Arjun nd Purvi that Pragya has a huge blood loss nd ask them to sign on the papers so that they can go ahead with the operation. Arjun say this is ridiculous, a patient can die if we do not sign. Abhi sees the traffic on road and takes a fan’s bike to reach hospital. Arjun and Purvi think how to contact Pragya’s family member, nd is tensed about the hospital rule. Abhi is shown on the way to hospital.

Arjun say he will not sign formality papers nd will wait until lady’s family comes. Abhi is seen driving bike nd reminiscing his happier days with Pragya, their confession of love to each other, nok jhok, etc. Purvi convinces Arjun to sign on hospital formality papers nd he does.
Bulbul wait for Purab at his called place. Purab comes nd tries to calm her down. He asks her to close her eyes while he get gift from car nd walks towards car. Doctor comes nd asks Arjun if he is Pragya’s husband. He gets nervous. Doctor say he will not perform operation until husband signs it. Purvi say he is her husband. Nurse ask his name, he says Arjun Kirloskar. She asks his wife’s name. He say Purvi Kirloskar. Abhi reaches hospital nd fans surround him nd not let go. Pragya is taken towards operation theater by nurse nd Arjun/Purvi. Pragya hears fans chanting Abhi’s name nd shakes her hands. She tightly holds her mangalsutra in her hand all the way. Abhi pushes fans nd runs towards operation theater, but Pragya is already taken into OT.
Purab brings cake, teddy, flower, etc. for Bulbul nd wishes her happy birthday. Bubul gets emotional. Their romance starts. Meanwhile, Biji nd Janaki watch TV serial very curiously nd discuss that lady should get her husband back. Sarla sees that nd thinks she is tensed that she is not getting back her daughters, but they are worried about other’s daughter. She switche off TV nd tells Daadi she can watch repeat telecast tomorrow nd asks if she knows where Bulbul went. Biji say Bulbul went to meet Purab. Sarla ask Janaki to serve food for 4 people as she will also call Purab. Once she leaves, Biji ask Janaki to switch on TV.
Abhi ask receptionist if a patient named Pragya Mehra or Arora is admitted. Receptionist say no. Purvi tell Arjun that lady’s husband nd family must be worried for her. Arjun say he knows how it feel when dear ones are separated. Nurse comes nd asks Purvi who is she. She say she is a family friend. Nurse gives hospital bill nd asks Arjun to clear it. Purvi say she is proud to see him helping others nd says they should not sit closer now, else doctor will object. He say hospital has weird rules, he cannot sit even with his own house.
Purab gifts necklace to Bulbul, nd she ask if he selected it. He jokes that he took sales girl’s help. She gets angry nd says he should have gifted necklace to that girl instead of her. He say he was just joking nd ask why is she looking so tensed. She say after Pragya’s marriage breakup, she is worried that even their relationship will break. He say they will not separate in this life. She continues that the events happened like Abhi betraying Pragya nd Aaliya hitting her head frightens her. He say he will not go away from her nd will be always with her. They both hug each other emotionally. Sarla come searching for them nd gets happy seeing their love. Bulbul separates seeing her. Sarla say she told her that her true love will not leave her alone. Bulbul hugs her also emotionally.
Junior doctor sees Abhi nd asks if he is rockstar Abhi. Abhi nods yes. Doctor say there is a lady in ICU whose husband is waiting outside. Abhi ask him to take him to ICU. Doctor ask him to follow him.
Raj reaches home. Mitali sees him nd gets happy. She say they will have food nd then go for a walk. He say he came back with a big motto nd don’t have time for all this. She starts yelling that he has changed nd she will inform Bunty nd Bablu that their dad has changed. He starts working on laptop nd say she can tell anyone, he does not care.
Sarla brings Bulbul nd Purab back home. Biji ask we is Pragya. Bulbul say she does not know nd call Pragya, but her phone is switched off. Sarla gets tensed nd ask her to call Abhi. Purab calls, but even his phone is switched off. Sarla ask him to call daadi. He say daadi must be sleeping now nd should not be disturbed. Sarla gets more worried. Purab say he will go to Abhi’s house with Bulbul nd find out where Pragya is. Bulbul ask Sarla not to worry nd leaves with Purab.
Doctor takes Abhi to ICU. Peon say lady is taken to operation theater. Doctor ask who signed her consent form. He say her husband. Abhi ask doctor to take him to operation theater.
Purab nd Bulbul reach Abhi’s house nd don’t find anyone. They call Abhi, Pragya, Robin, etc… Mitali walk from kitchen holding cake bowl, but hides bowl seeing them. She tell them that Abhi’s fan called him nd informed that Pragya met with an accident. Purab ask which hospital she is in. She informs that fan told somewhere near Abhi’s office nd Abhi rushed towards hospital. They both also rush out.
Abhi peeps into OT, does not see Pragya’s face, but thinks it must be her. He reminisces Pragya’s love for him nd their promises, their marriage pheras, her oil massaging his head, etc. Hamari adhuri kahani song plays in the background. He tell sister that he is the lady’s husband. Sister say lady’s husband is standing that side. He walks towards Arjun who thank him for helping get his wife into hospital early. Arjun ask nurse how is his wife. She say she is being operated. He walk towards OT while Abhi walk away crying.
Purab call inspector nd says he did not file any complaint, but does not know which hospital Pragya is in. He then consoles Bulbul that Pragya must be fine. Bulbul starts crying that she did not want to inform Pragya about Abhi nd Tanu’s marriage, but she heard it nd panicked. He ask her to calm down. Sarla call her, but Purab ask her not to pick call until they find Pragya.
Arjun nd Purvi come to dargah nd see Abhi sitting on a nearby roadside tea stall nd crying. Arjun say hi to him nd say he knows how it is to separate from dear ones nd suggests him to pray god. Abhi nods no. Arjun say he must be an atheist nd say only god can unite him with his loved one. He gives him some moral gyaan nd ask him to be courageous in his tough time. Abhi reminisces Pragya praying to god nd he trying to stop her. She suggesting him to pray to god by closing his eyes nd with true mind. He jokes that god has to wake up nd starts playing bell. Sarla nd family also pray god for Pragya’s return soon.
Abhi walks towards dargha pushing people on the way. Aaya tere dar par deewana song play in the background. Arjun nd Purvi drape flower chadar over shrine nd stand aside. Abhi kneels in front of shrine wearing handkerchief on his head and start praying for Pragya’s life. Pragya’s is seen given defibrillator shock. She finally drop mangalsutra from her hand. Abhi sees lamp blowing off nd even sarla sees lamp blowing off nd gets worried. Pragya’s vital sign monitor goes blank. Purab nd Bulbul are seen in car.
Akash brings Abhi home. Dasi ask what happened? Tanu tries to enquire about Pragya. Aaliya thinks why Abhi is making sad face, as if Pragya died. Akash tell that he saw Abhi outside the dargah nd brought him home. Dadi comes. Abhi cries nd hugs her saying Pragya is missing. Dadi tell that Pragya is not a kid, nd she will return home. Abhi say he searched for her everywhere, but could notfind. Dadi ask Akash to file missing complaint in Police station. Sarla cries nd worries for Pragya, blaming Abhi for her condition. She ask Beeji, why you did not stop her from going?
Aaliya is in Abhi’s office nd wonders if Raj would have done the work or not. Raj comes nd ask for coffee or tea. Aaliya ask if the work is done or not? Raj shows her 2 crores of money, and says he kept 1 crore safely. Aaliya say we have withdrawn 3 crores from Abhi’s account and he did not  know. Raj say he is waiting for the day when Abhi will be poor. Aaliya say she is also waiting for that day nd say they shall have a party.
Tanu ask Abhi to think about their new life rather thinking about Pragya. She say Pragya will go to Sarla’s house and will not come here. She ask her to think about their baby. Abhi think about Pragya’s words asking him to take care of the baby,, thinking baby to be theirs( Pragya nd Abhi), nd love him much. Abhi ask Tanu to take care of his baby and have food on time. Tanu say this is our child nd I will take care of the baby. She says you do not take care of us. Abhi say he will take care of them forever. He recall Pragya and Hamari Adhuri song plays.
Abhi nd Tanu’s mehendi’s decorations are going on. Taya ji and Tayi ji manage the decorations. Mitali shows her new necklace nd tell that Raj bought it for her. She say whenever Raj has any profit, he brings necklace for her. Tayi ji think Raj did not bring anything for her. Taya ji understand her greedy side.
Tanu get ready for her mehendi function. Aaliya shows the dress. Tanu say she will show the dress to Abhi. Aaliya ask her to keep the dress as a surprise for Abhi, and ask her to wear it on her sangeet. Tanu say she is very happy nd can only hear heart beat. Aaliya say she is very happy nd ask about Abhi’s behavior. Tanu tell that Abhi is missing Pragya nd is lost in her thoughts. Aaliya say at least he has agreed to marry you. She say he will forget Pragya in time nd will start loving her again. Tanu say she has a feeling that Abhi just needs her baby, nd do not care about her. She gets scared thinking about Abhi’s reaction on knowing that the baby is of someone else. Aaliya ask her to shut up nd do not let the truth come even in her mind, lest from her mouth.
Abhi talk to Kukreja nd tell that tomorrow is sangeet nd invites him for today’s mehendi function. He receives a letter through Courier. He reads Pragya’s letter. Pragya writes that she has gone far from him, nd ask him to fulfill his promise. She ask him not to search for her. Abhi comes out of flashback nd say I have done what you askd me. Please come back fatty. Tanu sees him reading letter again, nd thinks she would have tore the letter. She think to do something to divert his attention, nd starts acting as getting pain. Abhi rushes to her. Tanu ask him not to miss Pragya today as today is their mehendi. Dasi tell that she is feeling bad as Pragya didn’t return since 30 day. Dadi says we can not do anything as our Pragya is happy with this marriage. She say Pragya should have come here to see the marriage happenings.
Abhi nd Tanu’s photo frame fall down. Abhi picks it up nd take out the picture, nd sees his picture with Pragya underneath. Hamari Adhuri play. A woman is seen stepping out of car. Abhi tell that he didn’t see her since 20 days, nd thinks he sleeps sadly with the thought of seeing her in the morning. He ask Pragya to come back as he is marrying for her happiness. He says you can not break your promise, nd if you break it, just remember that I won’t forget you. The woman turn out to be Pragya nd looks at the house.

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